2011年1月16日 星期日

How To Set Up Apache2 With mod_fcgid And PHP5 On Ubuntu 8.10

How To Set Up Apache2 With mod_fcgid And PHP5 On Ubuntu 8.10

Version 1.0 
Author: Falko Timme  
Last edited 01/29/2009
This tutorial describes how you can install Apache2 with mod_fcgid and PHP5 on Ubuntu 8.10. mod_fcgid is a compatible alternative to the older mod_fastcgi. It lets you execute PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners instead of the Apache user.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

1 Preliminary Note

I'm using an Ubuntu 8.10 server in this tutorial with the hostname server1.example.com and the IP address192.168.0.100.
I will create two Apache vhosts in this tutorial, www.example1.com and www.example2.com, to demonstrate the usage of mod_fcgid.
Make sure you're logged in as root:
sudo su
/bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/dash, however we need /bin/bash, not /bin/dash. Therefore we do this:
ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh
In addition to that, we must disable AppArmor:
/etc/init.d/apparmor stop
update-rc.d -f apparmor remove
apt-get remove apparmor apparmor-utils

2 Installing Apache2/mod_fcgi/PHP5

In order to install Apache2, mod_fcgid, and PHP5, run
apt-get install apache2 apache2-suexec libapache2-mod-fcgid php5-cgi
If Apache2 was already installed with PHP5 as an Apache module, disable the PHP5 module now:
a2dismod php5
Then enable the following modules...
a2enmod rewrite
a2enmod suexec
a2enmod include
a2enmod fcgid
... and open /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini:
vi /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
Add the line cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 right at the end of the file:
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
Then reload Apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

3 Creating Vhosts For www.example1.com And www.example2.com

I will now create two vhosts, www.example1.com (with the document root /var/www/web1/web) and www.example2.com (with the document root /var/www/web2/web).www.example1.com will be owned by the user and group web1, and www.example2.com by the user and group web2.
First we create the users and groups:
groupadd web1
groupadd web2
useradd -s /bin/false -d /var/www/web1 -m -g web1 web1
useradd -s /bin/false -d /var/www/web2 -m -g web2 web2
Then we create the document roots and make them owned by the users/groups web1 resp. web2:
mkdir -p /var/www/web1/web
chown web1:web1 /var/www/web1/web
mkdir -p /var/www/web2/web
chown web2:web2 /var/www/web2/web
We will run PHP using suExec; suExec's document root is /var/www, as the following command shows:
/usr/lib/apache2/suexec -V
root@server1:~# /usr/lib/apache2/suexec -V
 -D AP_DOC_ROOT="/var/www"
 -D AP_GID_MIN=100
 -D AP_HTTPD_USER="www-data"
 -D AP_LOG_EXEC="/var/log/apache2/suexec.log"
 -D AP_SAFE_PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
 -D AP_UID_MIN=100
 -D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX="public_html"
mkdir -p /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web1
mkdir -p /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web2
vi /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web1/php-fcgi-starter
export PHPRC
exec /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php
vi /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web2/php-fcgi-starter
export PHPRC
exec /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php
The PHPRC line contains the directory where the php.ini file is located (i.e., /etc/php5/cgi/ translates to /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini). PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS is the maximum number of requests before an fcgid process is stopped and a new one is launched. PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN defines the number of PHP children that will be launched.
The php-fcgi-starter scripts must be executable, and they (and the directories they are in) must be owned by the web site's user and group:
chmod 755 /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web1/php-fcgi-starter
chmod 755 /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web2/php-fcgi-starter
chown -R web1:web1 /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web1
chown -R web2:web2 /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web2
Now we create the Apache vhosts for www.example1.com and www.example2.com:
vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/web1

  ServerName www.example1.com
  ServerAlias example1.com
  ServerAdmin webmaster@example1.com
  DocumentRoot /var/www/web1/web/

    SuexecUserGroup web1 web1
    PHP_Fix_Pathinfo_Enable 1
      Options +ExecCGI
      AllowOverride All
      AddHandler fcgid-script .php
      FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web1/php-fcgi-starter .php
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

  # ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
  # CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
  ServerSignature Off

a2ensite web1
vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/web2

  ServerName www.example2.com
  ServerAlias example2.com
  ServerAdmin webmaster@example2.com
  DocumentRoot /var/www/web2/web/

    SuexecUserGroup web2 web2
    PHP_Fix_Pathinfo_Enable 1
      Options +ExecCGI
      AllowOverride All
      AddHandler fcgid-script .php
      FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web2/php-fcgi-starter .php
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

  # ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
  # CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
  ServerSignature Off

a2ensite web2
Make sure you fill in the right paths (and the correct user and group in the SuexecUserGroup line).
Reload Apache afterwards:
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload



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